General questions
Once you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order.
Once your order is shipped we will send you another email to confirm you the expected delivery date as well as the link to track your order (when the delivery method allows it).
Additionally, you can track the status of your order from your “order history” section on your account page on the website.
We can only change orders that have not been processed for shipping yet. Once your order is under the status “preparing for shipping”, “shipping” or “delivered”, then we cannot accept any edits to your order.
To make changes to your order, please reach out to support through the helpdesk.
We currently ship in the United-States, Canada, Australia, France, the UK and Germany. For shipping outside of these countries, please reach out to our support through our helpdesk.
Once you’ve placed your order, it usually takes 24 to 48 hours to process it for delivery. Standard shipping time for the countries covered by our delivery partners are presented below. You can find them when choosing for a delivery method before confirming your order:
- United-States: 1-2 days
- Canada: 1-1 days
- Australia: 2-3 days
- France: 2-3 days
- UK: 2-3 days
- Germany: 2-3 days
You can purchase on our website using Paypal.
All our prices are in GBP Pounds and you will be charged at the standard conversion rate
We currently ship in the United-States, Canada, Australia, France, the UK and Germany. For shipping outside of these countries, please reach out to our support through our helpdesk.
Once you’ve placed your order, it usually takes 24 to 48 hours to process it for dispatch. Standard shipping time for the countries covered by our delivery partners are presented below. You can find them when choosing for a delivery method before confirming your order
We offer fast shipping on a select number of countries. If applicable, please select fast shipping after inputting your shipping details.
Once your order is shipped we will send you another email to confirm you the expected delivery date as well as the link to track your order (when the delivery method allows it).
Additionally, you can track the status of your order from your “order history” section on your account page on the website.
If you’re not home, a new delivery will be performed the next day or the delivery partner will reach out to schedule a new delivery date depending on the country and delivery method you choose. You may also have to go to your local post office to collect your package in case it cannot be delivered to you.
Deliveries in Europe will have to pay custom taxes. Our delivery partner will handle the clearance and will invoice you in local currency for the duties and taxes linked to your order.
For more information, please refer the to website of the delivery partner handling your delivery.
We do accept returns in respect to the following conditions:
- The item must have been sold on our online store
- The item shouldn’t have been used in any way
- The return or exchange request is made within 28 days of delivery
- The return is made within 14 days of the return or exchange request
To ask for a return, please contact our support using our contact page.
We do accept exchanges and they follow the same conditions as returns. In order to ask for an exchange, please mention that you would like your item to be exchanged with another item when preparing your return with our support.
Returns within the US/UK are free. You can refer to the delivery paper within your package to perform organize your return.
Returns from outside of the US are the responsibility of the buyer. Feel free to contact our support agents through our contact page for more details.